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Brait Investment Holdings Limited (“BIH”) is a public company and wholly-owned subsidiary of Brait PLC incorporated in accordance with the laws of Mauritius under registration number: 183308 GBC. BIH was previously known as Brait Malta Limited, registration number C49644, a private limited liability company incorporated in accordance with the laws of Malta.

BIH’s Exchangeable Bonds are dual listed on the exchange operated by the JSE and on the stock exchange of Mauritius

The members of the BIH board are as follows:

Brett Ivor Childs†

Executive Director

Date appointed: 12 January 2006
Qualifications: BCom (Hons), CA (SA)
Brett, a chartered accountant, is an executive director of Brait entities in Mauritius, which are responsible for the Group’s on balance sheet investments. He joined Brait in 2004 as executive chairman of its Mauritian operation. Brett resides in Mauritius where he sits or has sat, in a non-executive capacity, on the board of a number of privately and publicly owned companies and funds including entities regulated by the Bank of Mauritius and Financial Services Commission (“FSC”).

Dhanraj Boodhoo*

Executive Director

Date appointed: 12 Jnauary 2006
Qualifications: FCCA UK, BSc (Monetary Economics) Hons
Dhanraj has been an executive of Brait entities in Mauritius since 2001. He has a wide range of experience in global fund management, international investment structuring, audit, taxation, accounting, treasury management and economic research gained in the UK and Mauritius. Dhanraj is a Fellow Chartered and Certified Accountant (FCCA) qualified in the UK and holds a BSc Hons (Monetary Economics) from the London School of Economics. He is a recipient of the British Council and London Chamber of Commerce scholarship and award for his academic performance. Dhanraj resides in Mauritius where he sits on the boards of various global business companies.
† British
* Mauritian